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COMPUTER QUIZ 01 | कंप्यूटर से संबन्धित सामान्य ज्ञान

Here in this Computer Quiz 01, We have provided 20 MCQs related to Basics of Computer Science for all the competitive exams like UPSC, RAS, Banking, RRB, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, SSC, Railways, IAF AFCAT, NDA, CDS, CAPF ACs, Defence, Teaching, CTET, STET, B.Ed, Assistant professor, UPTET, DSSSB, Rajasthan Police, Patwari, High Court, LDC, and all. Participating in this test will help you to score good marks in your exam.

No of Questions in Computer Quiz 01 - 20

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