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Defination-determiners वे शब्द है जो noun से पहले use होकर noun को determine करते है।
Liitle means 'hardly any' and it has a negative meaning.

Example :
There is little water in the jug.
Practically it means no water.

A Liitle means 'some, but not much' and it has a positive meaning.

Example :
There is a little water in the jug.
Practically it means some water.

Use Of Few and A Few
Few has negative and A few has positive meaning.

Example :
I have few friends.
Practically it means no friends.

I have a few friends.
Practically it means a small number of friends.

Use Of As Soon as and No Sooner...than
As Soon as' has positive meaning. A sentence using As Soon as can be changed with No Sooner...than

?Example :
using As Soon as  ?As Soon as the teacher entered the class, all the students stood up.
using No Sooner...than
No Sooner did the teacher enter the class than all the students stood up.