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English Grammar Questions – 54

English Grammar Questions – 54

for for IAS, IPS, SSC CGL, IBPS, RRB NTPC, Bank, Insurance, RBI, MPSC, RAS, NET, B.ED, CTET, AIRFORCE, RAILWAY, POLICE, High Court, Ras, Reet, Teacher, UPPSC, MPPSC, RPSC, DSSSB, IES/ ISS exams 

प्रश्न=1 Does your cow give ....... milk.
अ) much  ✔
ब) many
स) more
द) less

प्रश्न=2- Would you have ...... more sugar?
अ) much
ब) many
स) some  ✔
द) often

*प्रश्न=3- I have taken .....trouble here.
अ) quite
ब) some
स) few
द) much  ✔

प्रश्न=4- He is ........hero of the day.
अ) a
ब) much
स) all
द) some ( bonus number )

प्रश्न=5- .......fifth chapter is very long.
अ) a
ब) an
स) the  ✔
द) no

प्रश्न=6 - Give me ........ pen you like.
अ) any   ✔
ब) some
स) this
द) his

प्रश्न=7-........lion us a beast of prey
अ) an
ब) a
स) the  ✔
द) x

प्रश्न=8 Always speak......truth.
अ) an
ब) a
स) the  ✔
द) x

प्रश्न=9-I am in .... hurry.
अ) an
ब) a  ✔
स) the
द) x

प्रश्न=10- I bought....dozen mangoes.
अ) an
ब) a  ✔
स) the
द) x

11. A comparison word using "like "or "as" in which figure ?
A. simile   ✔
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
D. conceit

12. figures of speech may be divided into ......sections?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 5   ✔
D. 7

13. The moon veiled her face.(चंद्रमा ने मुॅह पर घूंघट डाल लिया ) it is a example of which type of figure ?
A. simile
B. Metaphor
C. personification  ✔

14. The true aim of satire is-

1. to ridicule the opponent
2. the amendment of vices by correction ✔
3. to point out the weakness of others.

15. "I beg a thousand pardons. "

the above sentence is an example of the use of --

1. metaphor
2. simile
3. hyperbole ✔
4. personification


Specially thanks to Post and Quiz makers ( With Regards )

Ikrar ji, Nishu bharatpur, Naina gahalot