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Narration Exercise : 01

English Grammar - Narration Exercise : 01

Q.1 she said to me," what can I do for you ?
A. she asked me what she could do for me ✔
B. she asked me what can she do for me
C. she asked me what she can do for me
D. she asked me whether she can do anything for me

Q.2 he said," Alas ! I am undone !
A. he said that it was his undoing
B. he exclaimed pathetically that he was undone ✔
C. he stated that he was undone
D. he cried that he was being undone

Q.3 " I shall unlock the secrets of the their success," he said.
A. he said that he shall unlock the secrets of their success
B. he said that he should unlock the secrets of their success
C. he said that he would unlock the secrets of their success ✔
D. he said that he will unlock the secrets of their success

Q.4 "I wonder what he wants of us," said Raja
A. Raja said that he was wondering what he wanted of them
B. Raja said that he wondered what he wanted of us
C. Raja said he wondered what he wants of them
D. Raja said that he wondered what he wanted of them ✔

Q.4 Mini said to me," I have bought this flat for my mother
A. Mini told that she had bought that flat for her mother
B. Mini said that she bought that flat for her mother
C. Mini said she has bought that flat for her mother
D. Mini told me that she had bought that flat for her mother ✔

Q.5 he said ,"I will come again"
A. he said that he will come again
B. he says he is coming again
C. he says he'll come again
D. he said that he would come again ✔

Q.6 the boy said," Bravo! you have done well
A. the boy said that he had done well
B. the boy exclaimed that he had done well
C. the boy applauded him, saying that he had done well ✔
D. the boy said Bravo he had done well

Q.7 the captain said to the army ,"March forward, now"
A. the captain said to the Army that March forward now
B. the captain ordered the Army to march forward then. ✔
C. the captain ordered the army to March on that day
D. the captain ordered the army to attack the enemy

Q.8 "would you open the door please" ? she said
A. she asked me to please open the door
B. She requested me to open the door ✔
C. she requested me to please open the door
D. she asked me open the door

Q.9 the teacher said," Gandhiji was born in India
A. The teacher said that Gandhiji had been born in India ✔
B. the teacher says
that Gandhiji was born in India
C. The teacher said that Gandhiji was born in India
D. The teacher will say that Gandhiji was born in India

Q.10 "be quiet", I said to them
A. I told them to be quiet
B. I asked them to remain quiet
C. I told to them for being quite
D. I ordered them to remain quiet ✔


Specially thanks to Post and Quiz Creator ( With Regards )