Active and Passive Voice MCQ Test

Here we included important questions in English Grammar : Active and Passive Voice MCQ Test for all competitive exams like SSC, Bank, SBI, RBI, NIACL, RRB, Railway, Group D, NTPC, SSC CGL, CHSL, MTS, Police, Patwari, Forest Gard, Army GD, Air Force, etc. Which will helpful for all future competitive exams as well as school and college exams –

Change the voice in the sentences given below by selecting the correct alternative:

1. They have proved all his calculations wrong.

2. Many serious accidents are caused by negligence.

3. We had to count the money.

4. Somebody has already used this towel.

5. We are reaching the end of this exercise.

6. The Strom did much damage.

7. The boy has rung the bell.

8. He likes people to call him sir.

9. Did the noise frighten you?

10. Don't speak until someone speaks to you.

11. Do you understand what I mean?

12. Don't laugh at me.

Q.13 differential calculus is being learnt by the girl

Q.14 by whom is Jhon looked after

Q.15 the horse jumped over the fence

Q.16 they will laugh at you

Q.17 trespassers shall be prosecuted

Q.18 the waiter filled the glasses with water

Q.19 she took the dog for a walk

Q.20 I don't like people telling me what to do

Q.21 Bipin was not told about the meeting

Q.22 have you been shown what to do

Specially thanks to Quiz Author - Mukesh Kumar Sheshma

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