English Antonyms and Synonyms Questions Quiz

Directions (1-7): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
1. Voracious

2. Impromptu

3. Rabble

4. Tepid

5. Mayhem

6. Timid

7. Cantankerous

Directions (8-14) : In the following questions, chops the opposite in the meaning to the given word.
8. Gain

9. Synthetic

10. Acquitted

11. Stringent

12. Flimsy

13. Busy

14. Adaptable

Directions (15-20) : In the following questions, out of the given alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the words/sentences.
15. Study of birds.

16. Ready to believe

17. Incapable of being seen through

18. one who eats everythig

19. A place where bees are kept is called.

20. One who cannot be corrected

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