No. English Words Meanings in Hindi (अंग्रेजी शब्द) (हिन्दी में अर्थ) 1. As black as coal इतना काला जितना कोयला 2. As blind as a bat इतना अन्धा जितना चमगादड़ 3. As busy as a bee इतना व्यस्त जितनी मधुमक्खी 4. As changeable as the weathercock इतना परिवर्तनशील जितनी हवा का रूख बताने वाली पंखी 5. As clear as crystal इतना साफ जितना बिल्लौर 6. As cold as marble इतना ठंडा जितना संगमरमर 7. As cunning as a fox इतना मक्कार जितनी लोमड़ी 8. As dark as a pitch ऐसा अन्धेरा जैसा तारकोल 9. As deaf as a post ऐसा बहरा जैसा खम्बा 10. as dry as dust इतना सूखा जितनी धूल 11. As drunk as a lord ऐसा मदमस्त जैसा नवाब 12. As dumb as a statue इतना गूंगा जितना बुत 13. As fresh as a rose इतना ताजा जितना गुलाब 14. As gay as a lark इतना प्रसन्न जितना लवा पक्षी 15. As gaudy as a butterfly इतनी तड़क-भड़कदार जितनी तितली 16. As gentle as a lamb इतना शरीफ जितना मेमना 17. As greedy as a wolf or dog इतना लालची जितना भेड़िया या कुत्ता 18. As green as grass ऐसा हरा जितनी घास 19. As happy as a king इतना खुश जितना राजा 20. As harmless as a doveइतना मासूम जितना पेडुकी 21. As light as air इतना हल्का जितनी हवा 22. As loud as thunder ऐसी ऊंची आवाज जैसी बिजली की गरज 23. As obstinate as a mule इतना जिद्दी जितना खच्चर 24. As old as the hills इतना पुराना जितनी पहाड़ियां 25. As pale as a ghost इतना दर्द जितना भूत 26. As playful as a kitten इतना फुर्तीला जितना बिल्ली का बच्चा 27. As poor as a church mouse इतना गरीब जितना गिरजे का चूहा 28. As proud as a peacockइतना गर्वीला जितना मोर 29. As quick as lightning इतना तेज जितनी बिजली 30. As quick as thought इतना तेज जितना विचार 31. As red as a rose इतना लाल जितना गुलाब 32. As rich as a Jew इतना अमीर जितने यहूदी 33. As ripe as a cherry इतना पका हुआ जितना चेरी का फल 34. As round as a ball इतना गोल जितनी गेंद 35. As sharp as a razor इतना तेज जितना उस्तरा 36. As silent as the grave इतना शान्त जितनी कब्र 37. As silly as a sheep इतना मूर्ख जितनी भेड़ 38. As slender as a thread इतना पतला जितना धागा 39. As smooth as oil इतना चिकना जितना तेल 40. As soft as butter इतना नरम जितना मक्खन 41. As steady as a rock इतना स्थिर जितनी चट्टान 42. As strong as a horse इतना शक्तिशाली जितना घोड़ा 43. As stupid as a donkey इतना मूर्ख जितना गधा 44. As sure as death ऐसा निश्चित जैसी मृत्यु 45. As sweet as sugar इतना मीठा जितनी चीनी 46. As swift as an arrow इतना तेज जितना बाण 47. As tricky as a monkey ऐसा चालाक जैसा बंदर 48. As watchful as a hawkइतना सावधान जितना बाज 49. As white as snow इतना सफेद जितनी बर्फ 50. As wise as Solomon इतना बुद्धिमान जितना राजा सौलोमन
Gaurav sharma
6 years ago - ReplyVery useful words