Engligh Grammar Phrasal Verbs Questions Quiz

Q1 He called .... me yesterday.

Q2 The child called ........for help.

Q3 I shall call ........ you in my car and we will go to the cinema.

Q4 The librarian called ......all books

Q5 The strike was called .......

Q6  The meeting was ...........

Q7 I called ........ Manish and gave him the news

Q8 I called ...... Suresh to keep his promise.

Q9 How did the accident come.........?

Q10 He did not come .... to my way of thinking.

Q11 He came ...... for a surprise gift.

Q12 my son comes  ........to my ear

Q13 The poor boy was coming ............ nicely.

Q14 The seed never came ......at all

Q15  I came .....last night..

Q16 I came ........... my lost ring under the table.

Q17 It suddenly came ....... her that she had lost her purse

Q18 I came ......an old friend when I was buying vegetables.

Q19 How did it come ........ that he fell from the terrace.

Q20 I had to come ........ my views about my neighbours.   

Q21 This man carries .... sarees and salwar suits for sale.

Q22 His son carried ........all the money.

Q23 It was raining but he carried ........ his lecture.

Q24 when the police came, the rioters broke .......

Q25 He was very anxious to carry .... his work as soon as possible.

Q26 Rama has broken ...........her friend Geeta.

Q27 When I entered the room, they broke ........

Q28 She broke ......into tears.

Q29 When I was going to my office, my car broke.........

Q30 War broke  .....between India and Pakistan.

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