General instruction:- ??
Select the correct or preferred spelling in each of the following questions to test your spelling of the most commonly misspelled words.
1) Which one of the following word is correctly spelt?
A) challinge
B) challengs
C) challenge✔
D) challeinge
2) Which one of the following word is correctly spelt?
A) Admissioon
B) Admission ✔
C) Admiission
D) Addmission
3) Which one of the following word is correctly spelt?
A) Commitment✔
B) Commitmment
C) Committment
D) Commetment
4) Which one of the following word is correctly spelt?
A) Lodgment✔
B) Lodgmentt
C) Lodgmment
D) Lodggment
5) Which one of the following word is correctly spelt?
A) Parallel ✔
B) parallal
C) parelall
D) perellal
6) Which one of the following word is correctly spelt?
A) Discernible ✔
B) Discarnible
C) descrneble
7) Which one of the following word is correctly spelt?
A) Prefereence
B) prefference
C) preferrace
D) Preference ✔
8) Which one of the following word is correctly spelt?
A) Impressible ✔
B) Impreeseble
C) Impreesible
D) imprsesible
9) Which one of the following word is correctly spelt?
A) Grammar ✔
B) grammer
C) grameer
D) graamer
10) . Which one of the following word is correctly spelt?
A) fourcible
B) forcible ✔
C) foricble
D) fuorcible