Q1 : The door ____ (to break) 2 hours ago.

1. breaks
2. is broken
3. was broken✔
4. broke

Explanation : When we don't know who carries out the action, or it is obvious or unimportant to us, we use the Passive voice. The Passive is formed: BE + Past Participle. In this sentence the action took place at a certain time in the past, so we use the Past Simple Passive.

Q2 : I can't hear you at all. ______ you speak louder?

1. May
2. Must
3. Should
4. Could✔

Explanation : We use the modal verb 'could' when we ask somebody to do something.

Q3 : Jennifer, could you ?____ (to take care of smb) my cat for a couple of days?

1. look out
2. look after✔
3. look forward to
4. look for

Explanation : Phrasal verb 'to look after' means 'to take care of smb'.

Q4 : Choose ?two forms of the verb 'to speak' according to the order: Past Simple - Past Participle

1. spoken - spoke
2. spoken - spoken
3. spoke - spoken✔
4. spoke - spoke

Explanation : TO SPEAK - SPOKE - SPOKEN

Q5 : He went to the shop but he bought __ .

1. anything
2. something
3. everything
4. nothing✔

Explanation : Everything' and 'something' do not relate to the meaning of the sentence. 'Anything' is used in negative sentences. As an alternative we could use 'not anything': 'But he did not buy anything'.

Q6 : Dave took some pictures of wonderful ___ clouds.

1. featherly
2. feather
3. feathery✔
4. featheric

Explanation : Clouds are feathery because they look like feather. We use 'feather' for smth made of feather. It is impossible to use 'featherly' and 'featheric'.

Q7 : Sandy was dancing ____.

1. gracefuly
2. gracefuller
3. graceful
4. gracefully✔

Explanation : We use adverbs to describe time, degree, manner, etc. In other words adverbs help us get more information about the action or the place (where, when, how, how often, etc.) Many adverbs are formed from adding '-ly' or '-ily' to the adjective.

Q8 : Michael has bought a suit __ is black.

1. who
2. that✔
3. whose
4. whom

Explanation : We use 'which' or 'that' for things in relative clauses. ?'Whose' and 'whom' are used as objects.

Q9 : Jane has a talent __ playing the piano.

1. to
2. in
3. at
4. for✔

Explanation : We should remember that some nouns are used with specific prepositions after them: 'talent for'

Q10 : Jim and Sandra walked in silence ___ a while.

1. at
2. on
3. for✔
4. in

Explanation : It is correct to say 'for a while'

Q11 : I'm interested se____ science.

1. at
2. for
3. of
4. in✔

Explanation : We should remember that some adjectives are used with specific prepositions after them: 'interested in'

Q 12 : Have you already heard this ____ ?

1. newes
2. new
3. news✔
4. a new

Explanation : Some nouns are always plural: SCISSORS/GLASSES/TROUSERS/JEANS/SHORTS/TIGHTS/PYGAMAS/NEWS etc.

Q13 : I don't want to take ____ luggage with me.

1. any✔
2. many
3. some
4. a few

Explanation : We use 'some' in positive sentences and 'any' in negative ones before countable or uncountable nouns. 'Many' and 'a few' are used before plural countable nouns

Q 14 : If I ___ (to have) one billion dollars I ___ (to donate) a half for charity.

1. had/donated
2. had/would donate✔
3. would have/would donate
4. would have/donated

Explanation : When we speak about imaginary situations which differ from real facts in the present we use Conditional 2: If-clause (if + Past Simple) - Main Clause (would/could + present without 'to'). The meaning of this sentence: in reality I don't have one billion dollars

Q15 : Stephanie: I'm doing my homework now.

1. Stephanie said that she was doing her homework now.
2. Stephanie said that she had been doing her homework then.
3. Stephanie said that she was doing her homework then.✔
4. Stephanie said that she had been doing her homework now.

Explanation : We change the Present Continuous to the Past Continuous in Reported Speech. Also we change some time expressions: now - then


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